Nature-based Learning

Nature-based Learning

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During this course, you will consider the benefits of learning with nature and investigate topics for effective nature-based learning based around the four elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air.

Watch videos that bring learning to life. You will be able to watch theory come alive in practice through videos filmed at our very own award-winning Auchlone Nature Kindergarten. Through these videos, Claire will share some great practical ideas that you can start using with the children you work with.

Additionally, Claire will explain the theory of Nature Pedagogy and how you can apply its principles within your setting and lastly, you’ll look at how to support inquiry-based learning within nature using the Floorbook Approach.

The course is designed to take you 4 – 6 months to complete, this includes time to embed your learning and evaluate your practice.

The course includes the following modules:

  • Introduction to Nature Pedagogy
  • Learning with Nature - Benefit-Risk Assessment
  • Learning with Nature - Rocks, Stones and Pebbles
  • Learning with Nature - Light and Shadow
  • Learning with Nature - Wind
  • Learning with Nature - Drips, Drops and Dribbles
  • Introduction to Floorbooks

PLUS! A copy of Claire's e-book 'Fascination of Air - Wind', Learning Journal to support your professional development, Floorbook poster, useful downloads and certificate of completion for proof of your professional development.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

1. Understand the potential of Nature Pedagogy for an inspiring and engaging approach to learning.

2. Explain how nature-based learning can benefit children's learning.

3. Feel confident in creating a stimulating outdoor environment for children.

4. Introduce nature-based learning around the themes covered by the course within your setting.

5. Improve the quality of children's interaction with nature and the learning that develops from it.

6. Start using the Floorbook Approach to support inquiry-based learning within your setting.

Professional Development

This online course provides a minimum of 10 hours of professional development. You'll have access to it for one year from the time of purchase.

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T: +44 (0) 1764 650030

COPYRIGHT © 2023 Mindstretchers Academy & Dr Claire Warden

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